Lynne Williams, a founder of Jeremiah's Place speaking at a roundtable

Pittsburgh Panelists Draw Link Between Curiosity and Health

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Originally Published On: December 12, 2016
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Lynne Williams, a panelist and a physician who co-founded Jeremiah’s Place, a crisis nursery that provides free childcare and temporary housing to families in emergency situations, said one of the factors that could limit a child’s curiosity is growing up in a traumatic environment.

“Growing up in neglectful and dangerous environments deters children from developing curiosity, as they learn from engaging with others and from being safely able to explore their world,” Williams said.

The panelists and audience also discussed how the current American school system stifles curiosity and creativity in teenagers by dictating what they should do and not allow questioning natures to develop and mature. Williams said schools are not allowing children to be curious.

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